The key to living a healthy life, starts with understanding food. We are what we eat. 

We live in the modern era where being concerned with how to find food isn’t an issue any longer. Food is ample and easily attainable. Smart phone apps can deliver it right to your doorstep. This doesn’t mean people understand what food is, or why macronutrients and their ratios in your daily intake matter.

When we first started Fast.Eat.Live. we quickly realized the average person didn’t understand that all food can be grouped into three macronutrients category’s.They are comprised of energy providers (fats & carbohydrates), and structural & functional components (protein).  The only two macronutrients you can’t survive without are protein and fats.

When coaching clients, we often make the illustration that when you look in the mirror you really see protein (amino acids). Amino acids build and repair tissue, provide structure to all cells including hair, skin, organs, bone, and nails. They also creates hormones, enzymes, and regulates your pH balance. Therefore it’s critical to get enough protein in your diet! We recommend aiming for 1 gram of protein per kilogram (2.2 times in lbs.) of lean muscle mass or 70% of your body weight in grams. 

Fats are grouped into the energy provider category, but they do so much more. Fats are broken down into fatty acids. These fatty acids provide cell membrane health, aid in the storing and transportation of vitamins, insulate and protect your organs, and are the long-term energy source. 

Carbohydrates are the quick energy source and preferred by your body and tastebuds. All carbohydrates are broken down into glucose (sugar), except for fiber. Fiber provides a very essential nutrient source as fuel for our gut biome (bacteria) and aides the digestion process because we can’t break it down so it passes through us. 

   These two energy providing macronutrients are the source of heated debate in the nutrition world over the past 50 years. To simplify it, fat was wrongly vilified in the 1980’s, 90’s, and early 2000’s as the culprit for heart and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Studies based on causality alone linked dietary fat to the increase in cholesterol, and therefore the increase in CVD. The media ran with those attention-grabbing headlines, and the medical world raced to get us all on pharmaceutical statins to lower cholesterol. Meanwhile, the food industry raced to change the American diet to increase consumption of cheap, poor quality, low nutrient-dense carbs (grains, cereals, & highly-processed, hyper-palatable foods). The result: Americans became overweight and less healthy. Meanwhile, the medical, pharmaceutical, and food industries, made record profits. Science has now shown it was the overconsumption of simple carbohydrates that led to poor metabolic health and increased inflammation at the root cause. 

This is why macronutrients and the appropriate ratios matter. Food sourcing should be based on nutrient density and value of each food. How we look, feel, and perform are all based on the proper ratios of proteins, fats, and carbs. Our suggestion is to stay focused on quality protein sources, healthy natural fats, a variety of vegetables, and low glycemic fruits. Keep them in that order for the higher-valued nutrients and better overall health.  

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