FEL has been a game changer for me! The past few years threw a few life “bumps” at me and with the emotional tolls those took, I found myself at my highest weight ever. I needed to “find myself” again, my authentic self and regain my physical health. I started FEL on 8/19/19 after seeing the results Kelly Gray was experiencing. I reached out to Scott and Rebecca and after our initial call, I was all IN. This program is not a diet. It is truly a lifestyle that makes it easy to LIVE! I am a picky eater so most “diets” are unappealing to me. Besides just making smarter choices, I simply cut out all processed sugar, potatoes (a few fries sneak in though!), and bread. Cravings disappeared after the first few weeks. I am now down 38 lbs. and feeling the best I have felt in years. My mind is clearer. I am focusedand I am back in the gym and feeling like the strong athlete I used to be. Most importantly, my cholesterol is down over 140 points from 270 to 130 and hope to come off statins at my next physical. This program simply works… and, I am grateful!

- January 19, 2020
- fasteatlive
- Testimonials