I can’t believe it’s only been 4 wks since starting my Fast Eat Live journey! The results have been amazing. Not only has this banished my stubborn stomach fat, that has accumulated in my middle since hitting 40 and having 2 babies, but I genuinely feel better and have MORE energy for my busy lifestyle. Here is my story: I work full-time and have two kids. Fortunately, up until now (don’t hate me), I have been blessed with good genes and a fairly good metabolism. I have also always been health conscious, trying to eat right and work out regularly. But in recent years I’ve hit a plateau–just my age and letting more of those refined sugars and carbs sneak into my diet. I admit, I had a hard time starting FEL. Fasting for ANY period of time (longer than 4-5 hrs in my book) seemed unrealistic. I convinced myself for months that I just couldn’t do it. I realize now, it was my own self-doubt and unrealistic high expectations I was putting on myself. I also don’t think I fully understood the tools on how to be successful. The first day I started, I was struggling. Rebecca called me that afternoon and walked me through my day and week ahead. Once I had the right plan and food/drink on hand for fuel, I was on my way! Each phase of FEL is very manageable and adjustable to meet YOUR need. I love that I can still enjoy a chocolate grasshopper pie and a glass of wine on Sat/Sun and yet still be down 7 pounds in a month! Thank you Scott & Rebecca for providing a way to make EATING healthy and LIVING do much more fun! I’m so excited to think about where this journey will take me.

- September 30, 2019
- fasteatlive
- Testimonials