I did an InBody (body composition) test when I first started FEL and the number that represented my visceral fat (fat around the organs) was scary!!! By the time I lost my first 20 lbs it was cut in half! That is the most important indicator if you ask me! …It’s the most user-friendly and sustainable lifestyle you can ever try… I love the flexibility and sustainability of F.E.L.! You can still go out and eat and have a glass of wine or a cocktail and don’t feel like you are missing out on anything….I can’t even remember the number of compliments I’ve received from my friends and family that I see every day or haven’t seen in a while, people that I work out with, and people that I meet just a few times a year! The bottom line is, it’s the most “user friendly” and sustainable lifestyle you can ever try! Don’t wait, reach out to Scott and Rebecca, and start the journey that will help you loose weight, look and feel younger, and most importantly live healthier, for years to come!

- July 30, 2019
- fasteatlive
- Testimonials